

I need to write something on my blog! The thing is Ann is doing such a fine job that I think I might just be saying the same thing without it being nearly as fun. Oh well.

Spending time with Ann traveling and experiencing so many new places, people, and food has been more than a wonderful time. It's been a blessing that we are both so thankful for... Thankful to have the means, drive and creativity to do it on our limited budget and thankful that we actually made the decision to go toward the unknown. It is far from gloriously picturesque most of the time and not quite ideal in many circumstances.

We've been nom nom nommed most nights be Mosquitos and little side kicks sometimes known as no-see-ems. We sat dutifully on the thrown of mishandled bacteria for days at a time. We've planned things that have turned out completely different or just didn't happen after all (for better and for worse). We had one argument, or was it two? And we had the stress of doing taxes in a place that the Internet may just decide to stop working on a whim.

Now, don't let me talk you out of pursuing a travel adventure of your own, because what far outweighs the itch of mosquito bites is that we are having an immeasurably grand time meeting new friends and continually getting to know each other better. Ann said something very true of us during a discussion with a fellow traveler in response to...
"What is it about traveling that you like?"
Ann replied as she looked at me with her contemplating frown
"The people. Spending time with locals and other travelers is so enjoyable. Getting to know other people."
I agree.

Also we rescue crabs that get stuck in our kitchen sink.

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