
Dang check out his brain!

So Hot!

It turns out that there is some wild science behind the theories of con man Professor Harold Hill. Yes "the think system" is in fact stimulating brain activity in a similar, if not the same, way actually practicing musical does.

Quite intriguing:

Similar to the self-fulfilling prophesy, this gives a bit of validity to why my soccer couch in high school would encourage the team to visualize successful passing and shooting pre and during the games... though I noticed little affect on our consistently losing seasons.

It is good to remember that action follows thought, or choice, so with the power of thought being such a navigational life and learning tool, what do you want to do or learn? 

I'm thinking of the practical use of studying spanish in complete silence, but estoy un poco mas excited to learn to unicycle without having one. Perhaps more powerful will be to think of the positive effects that cross cultural living can have on each party.

Tomorrow, however, will be spent doing 50 pound curls and running for miles and miles uphill at 15,000 feet, all while I sit in an airplane waiting to arrive in Quito, Ecuador where I will have already thought myself to proper acclimatization.

with the love I first received,

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